Final Piece has Landed.

Prelim Task

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Evaluation - 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Ripple Productions is an independent British production company that aims to create contemporary, edgy, interesting films. Concentrated on thrillers Ripple productions uses young talented actors and produces films which could be shown at independent film festivals (maybe like Raindance Festival) and at some independent cinemas. For example The Pheonix in London is a well known independent cinema, and is a place where our Film could get some screenings. This is the case with Double Edge, which could use events like these to gain exposure for everyone included in the production.

Guerilla Films Home

In its current State I think the Film Double Edge would have to remain independent, I have decided that a relevant independent distributor is Guerilla Films (, which hs distributed many independent thrillers, so fans of thrillers could know Guerilla for this. I also think if Double Edge were to recieve a top of the industry remake (Hollywood) it would be easy to make into a popular film, its not too arty or unusual to imagine in cinemas like the Odeaon or Cineworld chains, and it would be easy to brand and advertise. It follows conventions and is not too British to perhaps cross the pond and hit the US.

Another option is to distribute the Film through the internet, either as a full film or as a trailer for the full film. This includes using perhaps using to get people watching it.

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