The Train Driver (Spiritual predecessor of Taxi Driver?)

Sean Bean -The Train Driver I casted Sean Bean to play the 'disturbed Train Driver because I think that his face lends itself to particularly sinister roles. Also he has a history of playing roles of 'bad' guys in films which makes his character easy to sell to the movie-goers, in a way that on a poster people will immediately assume his role of the evil train driver. Sean Bean also meets all parameters for the part.

Nicole Kidman - The Woman
I chose Nicole Kidman for the womans part because she has an image of a very perfect lady, this is vital for the role because she is described as a 'wonderful' woman. Although Nicole Kidman is a bit older than the character I think that the difference is not story changing. I thin she would fit straight in to thepart of this woman because she is so likeable, and I tink thats important for this film.
Plot Seven
The Warrior (The Heroes Film?)

Will Smith is athletic which is vital for the role of a superhuman person, however one of the main reasons for casting Will Smith to be the hero of this film is because he proved himself perfect for this kind of against all odds film with his terrific performance in I am Legend. (2007, Francis Lawrence)

Arnold Schwarzenegger - The Evil Leader
I think Arnold Schwarzenegger is perfect for this part. For starters his bodybuilder look i perfect for an evil leader, and his foreign accent lends itself to creating a cliched evil foreign leader. I also think that an important aspect of casting him is that when people see him on the poster they will immediately have the expectation of an all out over the top action film that he is so well known for. I think that this promise will attract all of his fans.
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